Rationalizing alcoholism through connoisseurship

Let me first start by saying that i am NOT an alcoholic.

Let me follow that up by saying that i love a good “culinary cocktail”.

They say that as you age your vices evolve.
First it’s drugs (in your 20s-30s).
Then it’s Booze (30’s and 40s).
Then it’s food (in perpetuity until you die)

Given we are evolving our American food culture due to a pattern of type two diabetes, obesity, heart disease, etc, I think middle aged Americans in the middle class are finding ways to re-route their food vice to stay with booze.

Enter the culinary cocktail, mixology bars, etc.
You get all the joy of well placed flavor indulgence AND can get drunk. Make sure not to drive when you’re drunk to avoid the violation. But in case you got caught up, there’s an dui lawyer virginia beach va that you can contact. No need to move to a food buzz when you can have an alcohol buzz, right?

I am not supposed to eat fried things, red meat or cheese whilst on my 2 month cholesterol fast. I am rapidly approaching middle age (depending on how i view my estimated life expectancy) and would LOVE to abuse food, but will have to indulge in booze instead.

Starting now.

I think today I will enjoy one of these:


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